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Breed Spotlight: Top Gundog Breeds at Crufts and their Working Heritage

Writer: Jess SmithJess Smith

Updated: Mar 4

Crufts is the ultimate showcase for the world’s best dog breeds, and gundogs always draw

significant attention – and for good reason! These breeds are not only prized for their

pedigree but also for their exceptional working abilities in the field. At Carter Outdoor

Pursuits, we celebrate the rich heritage of gundogs, recognising their skill, intelligence, and

dedication. Here’s a look at some of the top gundog breeds at Crufts 2025 and their working


Labrador Retriever

One of the most popular breeds at Crufts and in the field, the Labrador Retriever is a

versatile working gundog. Originally bred for retrieving game, Labradors are known for their

intelligence, trainability, and strong retrieving instincts. Whether competing in the show ring

or assisting on a shoot, they are a firm favourite among gundog enthusiasts.

English Springer Spaniel

The English Springer Spaniel is a high-energy breed with a long history in flushing and

retrieving game. Their keen nose and boundless enthusiasm make them outstanding

working dogs. Regularly competing in both Crufts and field trials, these dogs excel in both

beauty and function.

Cocker Spaniel

Smaller but just as effective, the Cocker Spaniel is a skilled gundog known for its agility and

determination. Traditionally used for flushing game from dense cover, these spaniels are

lively, intelligent, and eager to please, making them excellent companions both in the field

and at home.

German Shorthaired Pointer

A breed that combines speed, endurance, and intelligence, the German Shorthaired

Pointer (GSP) is a favourite among both show and field enthusiasts. With a strong prey

drive and natural ability to track and retrieve, the GSP is a valuable asset on any shoot.

At Carter Outdoor Pursuits, we appreciate the vital role gundogs play in the shooting

world. Whether you’re a seasoned handler or new to gundog training, we offer exceptional

experiences to enhance your skills. Get in touch today to learn more about our shooting

experiences and gundog training sessions!


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